Yesterday, I celebrated my twentieth birthday surrounded by my beautiful family. It was one of those birthdays that to some might seem uneventful, but for me, it was a mix of fun and mellow -- and that's just how I like my birthdays. I have never enjoyed being the center of attention at a big party, so a day spent at home with a few of the people I love was wonderful. I only wish I could have seen a few of my closest friends, too, but I'm looking forward to celebrating with them this weekend.
I started the day with a trip to Starbucks and the
Palladio with my mom and then relaxed at home for most of the afternoon before heading to my favorite
burger restaurant for dinner. I opened gifts when we got home: a couple of pretty necklaces from my mom, a new cup and Starbucks gift cards from my brother, and some green from my dad. The day ended with delicious cupcakes from
Whole Foods before burying myself under my blankets and watching a movie. It was the calm day I needed before the semester begins next week.

My birthday is always a day of reflection for me. Like New Year's Eve, I can't help thinking about the past year and wondering how the next one might play out. This past year has been nothing short of amazing. I grew so much more than I ever expected to do in the span of just one year. I met and formed close friendships with some truly wonderful people. I learned to drive (finally) and got my first car. I chose a major (also, finally). I got my first job and began working in a student leadership position. Nineteen was really good to me. I'm looking forward to seeing what the next year will bring.