Hello! My name is Brittany. I am a college student, writer, and blogger from northern California. I am majoring in communication studies with an emphasis in public relations. Ninety percent of my life revolves around school at the moment, because I am a full-time student as well as a mentor to twenty-five college freshman and an academic peer advisor for the rest of the students on campus. However, I am making the time to let myself indulge in my love of exploring new things, adding to my wardrobe (and makeup collection), and starting new projects that add a little color to my life. I have a not-so-secret obsession with Instagram and making too many lists.
Near the end of 2012, I had an "aha!" moment. All of the college and life-related stress I was under was making me physically sick as I neared the end of the semester and I was splitting my time between two extremes: going a hundred miles a minute trying to accomplish everything I had committed myself to and doing absolutely nothing during any free moment I had. I wasn't making any time for myself to enjoy the things I love. I had stopped reading just for the pleasure of immersing myself in a good story. I found excuses to reject invitations to go anywhere or do anything, because why would I choose to go out when I could lay in my bed instead? As cliché as it may sound, I was going through the motions of living my life but I wasn't really living it. I had moments of awareness, moments where I went, "I'm going to look back someday and say these were the best years of my life. I need to enjoy it more!" But I always ended up slipping right back into the same routine.
Thinking back, I don't remember the exact moment or day I realized that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted to, but I suppose the "when" isn't really important. That realization, that "aha!" moment, is the reason I started this blog. I want to be proud of the life I have lived so far and the one I will live from this day forward. I want to want to share it with others, to post photos of things I love and appreciate about my life, to write thoughtful posts worth reading, to indulge in new hobbies and revisit old ones, and to meet wonderful people who inspire me. That is the real purpose of this blog. It is a place where I can share bits and pieces about my life, the good and the bad, the frustrating and the exciting. Sincerely, Brittany is an authentic peek into me and my life. It is not my whole story, not by a long shot, but it is my first step toward creating the life I have always wanted and I am looking forward to sharing it with you.
For some frequently asked questions about me and my blog, see my FAQ. If you are new to my blog, check out my new reader page. I am new(er) to blogging, so I am very grateful that you're here! Please feel free to send in your input - whether it is a concern, question, or story of your own - via comments to any of my posts or e-mails to brittanysilva AT outlook DOT com.